APC Coaching & Consulting Services
At the Individual Level
Coupled with her heart-felt presence, Mary’s coaching rigor makes her the perfect choice for people wanting to play big in their lives and leadership. Her work with individuals often results in clients quoting Mary-isms.
At APC, we work with you to play big where you:
- Tap into what you truly desire
- Believe what you want is possible
- Take 100% ownership of results & your experience of life
At the Team Level
One of the superpowers of professional coaching is synthesizing what’s being said into a team’s thinking. Teams who are coached get to the real issues rather than experiencing the frustration of surface discussions.
At APC, we work with your team to play big by:
- Forming as a team on purpose
- Visually mapping out the team's work
- And getting to the DNA of decision-making
At the Company Level
Professional coaches massively support the readiness of a company to design pathways to its future.
At APC, we work with your company to play big by:
- Providing the thinking space for leaders who need to step back from day-to-day firefighting
- Developing the leadership and planning skills in those holding the needs of stakeholders in their hands
While Attending to the Dynamics Between People
Professional coaches don't shy away from the intensity between people.
Knowing that human beings are complex, at APC we support clients' ability to:
- Harness the power of partnering that produces results beyond what one individual can achieve
- Identify and take on the crucial conversations needed between key people in the organization
- Navigate issues at the team and organizational levels by normalizing the gap between differences in leadership